Sunday, April 14, 2019

About Arrhenius theory

Who was Arrhenius ?. Svant August Arrhenius was born 19 February 1859 , Vik , Sweden and died 2 October 1927 , Stockholm , Sweden . He graduate from Stockholm university , Sweden . He work about chemical kinetic and physical chemistry.

Assumption for Arrhenius theory.

  • The rate of each chemical step involved in the oxidation process(initiation , oxygen uptake,termination) must respond the same to changes in temperature.
  • The oxidation proceeds uniformity throughout the material.

Arrhenius theory is originally derived from thermodynamics. When these assumption hold, the rate of oxidative aging, at the use temperature  T1, can be determined from the aging rate measured in the lab at a least temperature T2 . Arrhenius equation can write as follow

     k = A*exp(-Ea/RT)

k is rate
A is Pre Exponential factor
Ea is Activation Energy
R is gas constant
T is Temperature (Kelvin)

We  can  write another format of Arrhenius equation as follow

ln(k) = -(Ea/R)*(1/T) + ln(A)

Activation Energy is the minimum energy by which the colliding molecules of sample must have in order to bring about the degradation reaction. Lower the value of activation energy, higher will be the rate at which the degradation will proceed and vice-versa.

Testing for analysis with Arrhenius is

  • Tensile , % Elongation , Modulus (ASTM D412)
  • Tear Test (ASTM D624)

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